La Tiltestetica, curated by Daniele Radini Tedeschi, La Rosa dei Venti 2014, Milano, Ed Mondadori. Pp. 58: 468,469
2015: In benefacto Hominis. Piazza Duomo, Florencee
Pubblic decorations
2013 Mosaic with natural stones, Church of San Biagio, Scalvaia (SI)
2009 A garden of colours, Scuola elementare Montagnola, Florence
2008 Scatola Magica / No stress, middle school, Prato
Set designer and scenography
2016 La Grande Magia di Edoardo di Filippi, reg. Vincenzo de Caro, Teatro le Laudi, Florence
2016 – 2015 Lampedusa: Course on Scenography, The fine Art Accademy of Florence, by Angela Nocentini
Notes on a pebble: (workshop), Fabbrica Europa, Stazione Leopolda, Florence organized by the Italian choreographer Cristina Caprioli
Spaghetti aglio olio e peperoncino: the Accademy of Fine Arts, Florenc street performance under the guidance of the acknowledged Serbian artist Sislej Xhafa
Art marketing and self-promotion and Project management:
Start Art Projects, Florence
2006 MA, The Fine Arts Academy of Florence, Four year diploma in Painting and sculpture
1997 – 1992 University of Copenhagen Bachelor in Art history
1999 – 2000 ‘The great renaissance masters’ Drawing course by Richard Serrin, Firenze
1991 – 1990 Classical drawing scool, Glyptoteket, Copenhagen Billedskolen, art school, modern techniques
Art exhibitions
Solo exhibition
2014 – Man and Bird, 13 Rosso, Firenze
2013 – In Excelsis Deus, POP, Florence Curator: Mark Abouzeid
2012 – Paradise Forgotten, Studio of Colour Etching by Swietlan Kraczyna, Barga, Italy 2012 – Dietro le Rughe, RSA Monte Domini, Firenze
2002 – Fixating the Body, Galleri SUMO, Copenhagen – The World of Indifference, Galleri Nybro, Copenhagen
Group exhibitions
2023 – Blessed art thou among women, Art studio 71′ Tina Birch Chimenti featuring: Alessio Cancellieri e Anna Merlotti, Florence
2014 – Triennale di Roma 3°edizione Curator: Stefania Pieralice, in collaboration with Daniele RadiniTedeschi, Università di Ingegneria, La Sapienza, Rome
2014 – DonnArtista Kurator: Art Expertice, Merlino bottega d’arte, Le Murate, Florence
2007 – Artemisia Curator: Stefano Tonti, Atalier dell’arco Amoroso, Ancona 2006 – Refound Eden In collaboration with Malene Nors Tafdrup, Bettina Nielli Moos, Galleri Krebsen, Copenhagen
2005 – Accademia in Mostra Curator: Umberto Borella and Giovanna Fezzi, Castello di Malgrate, Villa Franca, Lunigiana
2002 – Forårsudstillingen Censureret, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen Ung Kunst Censored exhibition, Chokoladefabrikken in Malmø and Frederiks Bastion, Copenhagen
2000 – SoapOpera Presenting Doubting Thomas 2 in collaboration with Rikke Hostrup, Veronika Haraldson, and Nicola Formosa. Curator: Luca Beatrice and Alessandra Galetta, En Plein Air – Arte Contemporanea, Pinerolo (TO)
2000 – Doubting Thomas, Ex chiesa Leopoldine, Performance in colaboration with Rikke Hostrup, Veronika Haraldsson and Nicola Formosa, Ex-chiesa Leopoldine, Florence
1999 – Progetto Fiat 500 Curated by Sislej Xhafa, Accademia di Belle Arti, Florence